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W2PPAYG Pricing Model

All of RedTie's products use a credit based incremental charging system that can feel a little alien to newcomers. The W2PPAYG model is no different, in fact as there are no monthly license fees everything is charged for in credits based on usage.

The Headline Numbers

Although pricing can seem complex, 95%+ of our customers will only incur these 3 charge types:

Stock Products:
$0.60 (2 credits) per cart line item.
Stock products cover all non variable products, i.e. where the only answer the customer gives is for quantity.

Print Products:
$3.00 (10 credits) per cart line item
Print Products are for any item ordered that involves the system making a print file, such as a print quality PDF.

Extra Storage Space:
$15 (50 credits) per Gb per month.
Your first Gb is free and should be enough to deal with even a moderate number of users and orders, but the software automatically increases and reduces the amount of space you need and charges your account accordingly.

Of course there are many other features that you may wish to use and we have produced this Pricing PDF to explain our charges in more detail.

Who is the W2PPAYG version best for?

This payment model is best suited to customers and storefronts that meet one or more of the following:

  1. Seasonal storefronts.
  2. Lower order volume stores.
  3. Customers new to web to print that want a low risk entry point.
  4. Single storefront customers.
  5. Based in the USA and only need $ as the site currency.

Still not sure? The good news is that each month we look at your usage and compare it to our contract products with license fees (lower incremental charges, more included space, automatic order volume based discounts on incremental charges) and let you know if your usage is close to or past the point where is would be cheaper to upgrade to another pricing model. The upgrade process is simple and you will not lose anything you have created on your W2PPAYG site.

If you want to proceed then please head to our Signup page or if you have any questions then please Contact Us.