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Sign Up Online

We have made everything quick and easy to get up and running. Just provide a few details about you and your company, add some credit to your account and someone from our support team will set up your system and send you the login details.

Styling your Webstore

RedTie makes building and styling webstores a painless process. By simply uploading artwork and selecting from an extensive array of options you can have your webstore up and running in a very short time.

No HTML or other programming skills are required, but if you do have those skills you can extend the functionality and look and feel of the webstore in almost unlimited ways.

Building Products

Custom built by RedTie our template builder lets you build products quickly and easily with features, such as drag and drop, which you would expect in more traditional DTP software. It is all browser based, requiring no additional plugins and can be done from anywhere in the world. All you need is a modern browser and an internet connection.

As you build up your products you are also deciding what your end users can and can't do with templates using simple dropdowns and check boxes. Products can range from simple single sided print products where you ask for a few text answers to extremely complex multipage products where the end user has control of more of the design.

On top of template products you can also build Direct Mail products, stock items and even combine products of any type in a ratio of your choice to form a kit of products.

Ordering a Product

There is no point in making everything easy for you if we don't make the ordering process for your customers equally painless. From signup and sign in, through editing and finally completing an order, every step of the process has been designed with ease of use in mind.

Customers can save projects for later, see all their order history, reorder previously ordered products and see the current status of their orders all online. You can also set up a number of email templates to be automatically sent to your customers, for example order confirmation and item shipped notifications.

Order Administration

Processing orders is taken care of in the admin area or by using our email based system where everything is delivered to an email address you specify, so you don't even need to log in for the most common order processing tasks.

Logging in provide extra options, such as the ability to change a customer's answers if they have made a mistake, along with other administration tasks such as customer management, communicating to customers through the website and using our extensive discount code functionality.